Rachel Green:
Played by Jennifer Aniston, introduced in the show's pilot as a naive runaway bride who reunites with her childhood best friend Monica and relocates to New York City, Rachel gradually evolves from a spoiled, inexperienced "daddy's girl" into a successful businesswoman. During the show's second season, the character becomes romantically involved with her friend Ross, with whom she maintains a complicated on-again, off-again relationship throughout the entire series. Together, the characters have a daughter, Emma.
Since leaving the show Jennifer started a successful film career from 2003-2011. Aniston's biggest box office success to date was her appearance in the comedy Bruce Almighty (2003), in which she played the girlfriend of Jim Carrey's title character. She stared in a range of films for 3 years until 2006, where she directed a hospital emergency room-set short film called Room 10 starring Robin Wright and Kris Kristofferson as part of Glamour's Reel Moments film series. Along with Brad Pitt and Brad Grey, CEO of Paramount Pictures, Aniston founded the film production company Plan B Entertainment in 2002, although she and Grey withdrew in 2005. In 2008, she and producer Kristin Hahn formed the production company Echo Films. On December 25, 2008, the comedy-drama Marley & Me, in which Aniston starred alongside Owen Wilson, was released. Her next film in wide release, the romantic comedy-drama He's Just Not That Into You (2009), where she starred opposite Ben Affleck. By June 20, 2010, Aniston's movies had grossed more than US$1 billion in the United States and over US$1.7 billion worldwide. Since 2007, Aniston has worked in a publicity campaign for the drink SmartWater; on March 7, 2011, she released a YouTube video, titled "Jennifer Aniston Goes Viral", for SmartWater, which tripled online interest in the product within 24 hours of its release. In January 2013, Aniston became the new spokesperson and face of Aveeno Skincare. The commercials began airing in May 2013.
Jennifer Anniston has had a few famous relationships while being in the public eye after leaving FRIENDS. Jennifer was known for her relationship with Brad Pitt which began in 200. The couple married but divorced in 2005 despite him appearing on the show. It was rumoured after her divorce, Jennifer was dating her ex costar Matthew Perry in 2006 however this was never confirmed. After this she had a range of short term/ on and off relationships until 2011 when she started dating Justin Thereoux. They became engaged in 2012 and married in 2015 but sadly announced their split after 2 years. Jennifer has kept her love life private since her split and their has been no news of dating anyone else.
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